Thursday, August 25, 2011

How Do You Spot an Authentic Nyx Round Lipstick from a Fake One?

Just the other night, I posted an article called "How to Spot a Real NYX Lipstick from a Fake One". I admit it was a hasty thing I did, and I sincerely apologize to all of you. I made the post comparing two lipsticks I bought from different online sellers. I held firm on my words because the online seller of Lipstick A claims that her NYX products are 100% authentic. I believe her since when I purchase from her, I’m always satisfied with my loot. And then I received a comment that made an impact on me .


The commenter said that one of my descriptions on the fake nyx round lipstick happened to coincide with her own lippies. But the thing is she said she bought hers from a makeup artist and an online store. So she was asking me if the lipstick she bought was fake if my descriptions are to be considered. Honestly, she caught me off-guard on that. On second thought, what I deemed as fake might be the real deal after all. And so I borrowed my colleagues’ NYX round lipstick and placed it side-by-side with my NYX Lippie A and NYX Lippie B. Lo and behold, none of them are the same! My co-worker said though that hers was given by her aunt from US.

Now for all the NYX patrons out there, can you tell me about the qualities of an authentic NYX Lipstick? I honestly don’t know what to believe now.  That’s why I pulled out my previous post in the first place. I don’t want to mislead my readers and I certainly don’t want to ruin seller-buyer relationships out there just because of unverified information. All I know is that truth must be told.