The first time I saw the wide range of NYX products, it really got me curious because they have a good selection for a drugstore brand. NYX lippies have this enticing appeal because of their seemingly good pigmentation, but of course I need to hold on to something before I drop my moolah. Unfortunately I found it difficult to see good swatches of NYX online on a similar complexion as mine (I think I’m a cross between olive and yellow undertones). Good thing my shopaholic instincts didn’t fail me on choosing the right shades (except for the Black Label Black Cherry shade, I thought I was deceived!) So here you go, more realistic swatches for tan-skinned girls like us. Enjoy!
My NYX Looks
(Note: I used NYX Powder Blush in Dusty Rose in most of the pics. It’s a winner!)
(NYX Round Lipstick Thalia – pinkish brown nude. Really believe it looks best with smoky eyes/defined eyes. Otherwise, it makes me look washed out)
(Lips au naturel -- just had to include this lol)
(Not a NYX lippie but blush is)
(Nyx Soft Matte Stockholm – MLBB)
(NYX Stockholm up close)
(NYX Soft Matte Antwerp - Peachy pink. Great for tanned skin!)
Segue: Read my review on the NYX products I currently have here:
(NYX Antwerp again…lovely isn’t it?)
(Antwerp up close)
(Can’t get enough of Antwerp!)
(Antwerp, indoor fluorescent lighting)
(Antwerp, daylight)
(Nyx Ulysses – provides a nice contrast to skin. Perfect for workwear)
(NYX Ulysses up close)
NYX Round Lipstick Paris (So mod!)
Nyx Round Lipstick Perfect (My dependable MLBB shade =) )
So which shade do you think suits me best? I hope you can find your own NYX shade too. =)